Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday 10/28 Homework

1. Read Gladiator Ch. 4 before class tomorrow (Thursday)
2. Yellow Composition Book: Read & Understand p.1
3. Write a short paragraph: "How to make a paper airplane".
4. Study Parts of Speech II handout for future (nothing to turn in tomorrow, just study)
- Friday Due: News for You Worksheet with Discussion Questions
- Friday Due: News of Choice, print and post due Friday
- Monday Due: Weekly Words, 6 news words you experienced this week.
ex: Word | Meaning in your words (not definition from dictionary) | Situation you encountered word

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday Homework 10/27

1. Rewrite your journal writing about life in Rome compared to today.
- Check your new paragraph to Quest p. 14, 1-7.
- Can you say yes to all of the questions on p. 14? If not, edit your paragraph more.
- IF you write your paragraph by hand, follow the form on the handout ("Phillip's Essay")
- IF you type it, follow rules of form for computer typing.
2. Do worksheet handout ("Phillip's Essay") on Form.
- Identify the parts of the essay.
- Correct Phillip's essay on the back (write what he should do to fix it)
3. Read Gladiator Ch. 4 by Thursday
News for You (NFY) due Friday (all worksheet)
News of Choice (NoC) due Friday (printed & posted)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday 10/26 Homework

1. News For You (NFY)
- Read the article Sarah assigned your "group" in Monday's class.
- Do the exercise for that article.
2. News of Choice (NoC)
- Same as last week. See your News: Weekly Reading Assignments handout for details.
- Due Friday
3. Parts of Speech Worksheet.
- Do worksheet. Idea: to study parts of speech. You are responsible for knowing parts of speech.
4. Gladiator
- Read Ch. 4 by Thursday

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Following Blogs

To receive updates from this class blog, add the class blog link to your blog under "My Blog List".
You can set up your blog to receive live updates every time Sarah posts an announcement.
You can also "follow" your friends blogs. You do not need to join "Google Friends" to follow a blog.

Blog Housekeeping

Some Monday housekeeping (announcements):

1. Weekly Words: for an example of what I want, see Amy's blog:
2. Future News of Choice Articles:
- In the future, you do not need to print or post the entire article, only the headline, the source, and the link.
- Be sure to write a summary that shows you read the article, and be sure to write a reaction that shows you understand it.
- To receive full credit, you must both print & post the article link & summary.
3. More Blog Housekeeping:
- Even though it is a blog online, please follow the writing rules we discussed in class. Sentences should have capitals and periods, and words should be spelled the best way you can (no "u" for "you", for example).
4. Blog Homework Grade:
- By 5:00pm Tuesday, 10/27, I will assign a grade for complete blogs. Your blogs should have:
1. Introduction
2. Dirt Blog
3. News of Choice headline, link, and reaction summary
4. Two reaction comments posted to a classmate's News of Choice post.
5. Six (6) Weekly Words, definitions, & situations (see example below on Friday HW)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday Homework, 10/23

1. Read Gladiator Ch. 2-3.
2. Blogs:
- Post a meaningful reaction comment to 2 friends' news blog posts.
- Email Sarah whose blog you commented to
(Example: Hi, Sarah, this is Amy! I posted a comment to Jose's blog and Ahmed's blog. Bye!)
3. Weekly Words:
- Listen carefully to English this weekend
- Write a list of 6 new words/ideas/idioms/phrases/customs you heard this weekend.
- Start a personal word journal.
- Post your 6 words & meanings to your blog & print
Word | Meaning | Situation

(Situation means explain where or how you heard the word)
Tip | Extra money you give the waitress if she's good | I learned this at the restaurant. There was a line on the bill that said "tip" and I didn't write anything. The waitress got very angry at me! She explained that a tip is the extra money I give her when she does a good job.

Why is "I" capitalized?

A fun New York Times article about why "I" is capitalized in English.

MAGAZINE | August 03, 2008
On Language: Me, Myself and I
Is the vertical pronoun really such a capital idea?

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Toastmasters website:

Some TIEP students may be going to the Friday Toastmasters meeting at UT tomorrow at 6:00. If you are interested, see/email John (email: by lunch tomorrow.

House of Torment Field Trip!

If you want to be SCARED to celebrate Halloween, go on the Haunted House field trip on Tuesday, October 27th @ 7:00.
Meet Matt (a TIEP teacher) in the Study Hall on Tuesday at 12:30 for more information.
Here is a link to a video about the House of Torment:

Thursday 10/22 Homework

1. News for You (NFY) - Turn in Worksheet
2. News of Choice (NOC)
- Find article and read.
- Type a reaction summary, 5+ sentences
- Print article and reaction paragraph, turn in
- Post Article Link & Reaction paragraph to Blog.
3. Blog - By Friday your blog should have:
1 - Self-Introduction
2 - Gladiator Dirt Blog
3 - News of Choice - Reaction Summary & Link to Article

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Blog Posts

Hi Class,
By Thursday, 10/21, you should have 2 blog posts:
1. A self-introduction (Hi, my name is Sarah. I like chocolate and Halloween. I am a teacher. Etc.)
2. An explanation for Gladiator: explain what YOU think it means when Maximus picks up the dirt.

Wednesday 10/21 Homework

1. "Dirt" Blog, Post #2:
--Today, we wrote possible meanings for why Maximus picks up the dirt (earth) and lets it fall through his fingers. You gave this writing to Sarah.
--Post (write) your explanation on your blog for the class to read (Post #2).
2. Read News For You (NFY) & complete the worksheet for each article by Friday.
3. Read a News of Choice (NOC) article. Write a reaction summary. Print the article & reaction summary and turn in on Friday.
4. Gladiator Chapter 2 & 3 by Monday, 10/26.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday Homework 10/20

1. Read Gladiator Introduction & Chapter One by Wednesday
2. Read "Getting the Most out of a Textbook", Quest p. 2.
-Extra: Listen to audio Mp3 during second reading if you like.
3. Look at exercises A - H. Do the first problem of each exercise.
-Extra: do all problems of exercises A - H
4. Work on News for You & News of Choice (due Friday)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday 10/19 Homework

1. Start reading Gladiator. Complete chapter 1 by Wednesday
2. Start reading News for You & Article of Choice, all due Friday 10/23
3. Directions for blog HW:
- Make blog
- Type the paragraph you wrote in class today "introducing yourself"
- Post the "introducing yourself" paragraph as your first journal post
- Send Sarah the address link